I also had to put an end to the part time job I was doing. BTW, just in case you dunno, for the past 3 months, I have not been attending school(NUS). Instead, i was a relief/contract teacher at Henderson Sec School, just near my house. Teaching is a great and fulfilling job, and i would recommend everyone to consider it as a career. For once, you get to feel what it is like standing in front of the classroom shouting instead of seating quietly in the corner; what it feels like sitting on the other end of the Oral Exam(i teach English, btw) table listening to the same picture being described over and over again, and also concealing your scores from the students who will try to take a peep at it ;)
Of course, there are times where you feel discouraged - times when nobody in the class is paying attention and you are just talking to yourself, times where you desperately want grade an assignment but the students just refuse to hand in, times when you see the stack of "to-be-marked" assignments piling up.... but it is all just part and parcel of the job. I got used to it after a while.
With the recent hype about a relief teaching posting up her students' essays on her blog and poking fun at it, my response is: all teachers do get such work from the students now and then. Its interesting to know that I actually have a collection of such essays myself - a better one, in fact - but if you are surfing this blog in the hope for getting to read those essays, TOO BAD. Better luck with other sites! :)
After 10 weeks of teaching, its time to say goodbye to all my wonderful colleagues
Joanna, my HOD. Always so bubbly and cheerful!
Shirley: Always look so busy and stressed
SiTi !!! Hope u dont miss me too much!
Loretta: So Kawaii!
Me, Melissa and Law behind. Our fingers form
the alphabert "3T" cos we co-teach that class
Chook LIng: What a sweet smile
Daniel & Kingsley
Iris, me and Doris. My fav Home Econs teachers!! Taught me a lot about cooking! thanks
Group SHots
My messy desk in the office
Of course, not forgetting my dear classes: 2N2, 3T1 and 3T2
Although "sometimes" you may be naughty and noisy, you all are quite a lovable bunch! Hope u like me teaching so far.